The systems engineering program is designed to provide a broad and solid education in the basics of mathematical modeling, software and information systems, and the treatment of uncertainty. Analytical thinking is stressed, in order to prepare the student for graduate education or productive professional employment. Simultaneously, the program is intended to develop the student's communication skills and awareness of the current professional world.
OutletsSystems engineering finds application in many sectors, including communications, energy, environment, finance, health care, information technology, marketing, national defense, project management, software development, and transportation. Typical employment positions include government consultants, manufacturing/quality managers, information/cyber security analysts, financial portfolio managers, and requirements engineers, among others. Furthermore, some of our graduates continue their education in top graduate and doctoral programs across the country.
Required level:GCE-A+ 2, BTS, HND, DSEP, HPD, DUT, DEUG...
Duration03 years